
Conflict simulation, peacebuilding, and development

Krūminas: Using WACN to teach about wargames and urban warfare

At his substack Seriously on Games, Pijus Krūminas (Associate Professor at ISM University of Management and Economics) provides a very thoughtful review We Are Coming, Nineveh!, focusing on its utility for teaching about wargame design and modern urban military operations.

Urban environments are crucial in modern warfare and will remain so in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the analysis of urban operations is among the key functions of conflict simulations in professional and educational environments. An interesting example intersecting the educational and hobby wargaming is We Are Coming, Nineveh, a game designed and developed by Harrison Brewer, Juliette Le Ménahèze, Rex Brynen, Brian Train, and published by Nuts! Publishing. Here, I provide my impressions of it as a game along some considerations on how it can be used educationally. 

The game itself is available from Nuts! Publishing. It was first developed in my conflict simulation course at McGill University, and you can find more on its design here at PAXsims.

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